Menu Plan Monday 12/27/10

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas weekend with family and friends. We had a wonderful time with our son who is home from college and my 89 year old mother-in-law. (My husband is the baby of the family.) I did something different this year by buying a 3-pound turkey breast roast and cooking it in the crock pot with a can of chicken broth, a little butter, a little EVOO, about 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder, and about 1/4 teaspoon of minced onion flakes. It was so moist and tender, and I think maybe the best we’ve ever had. And it was sooo easy. Much, much easier than doing the whole turkey. Have any of you ever cooked a turkey breast roast before? What do you think about it?

Here’s our menu of the week. Notice the Mexican food twice – my husband and our son both have colds, and spicy food tastes so good to them!

MONDAY: Beef Enchiladas & black beans

TUESDAY: Left-over turkey & dressing, frozen veggies

WEDNESDAY: Chicken Tortilla Soup (with a can of red kidney beans added)

THURSDAY: Fast food (we’re busy that day)