Four Foods on Friday #19 Questions

From Fun, Crafts and Recipes

#1. Do you ever use scissors to cut any foods? Yes

Which? Raw or cooked?

Both. I use my kitchen scissors a lot, in fact, I have two pair of them. I use them the most to cut raw chicken. I get the best deal on chicken breast I can find and then cut it to the size I need. If I can’t get a good deal on boneless chicken but chicken breast with the bone is really a bargain, then I’ll use my scissors to cut it off the bone. Sometimes I use scissors to cut pizza.

#2. Popcorn. Homemade, microwave, bagged, hot, cold. How do you like it?

We like it popped in a hot air popcorn popper. Then we put extra virgin olive oil on it and salt (or sea salt). That’s our favorite way to eat it. And…I feel good about eating it that way because everything on it is healthy… in moderation.

(If anyone eats much of the microwave popcorn, I suggest researching the safety of the butter flavoring added to it. I’ve read articles that make me want to stay away from it.)

#3. Sushi. Love it or hate it?

I can’t stand the thought of eating raw fish. I think I tried it once when our s-i-l had some, and I didn’t like it.

#4. Share a dessert recipe.

I just posted a great dessert recipe that is easy: Pineapple Delight. If you like pineapple, this tastes like delicious pineapple cobbler. I got this recipe from a friend who has had several requests for her recipe.

Four Foods on Friday #8 Questions

Here are the four questions for this Friday from Fun, Crafts and Recipes:

#1. Tuna fish. Water or oil?

Always water

What do you add when making yours?

Varies. Last time I added light mayo, chopped apple, a little celery seed, salt & pepper

#2. Stuffing. What else have you done with a box of stuffing besides stuff meat (turkey, pork, chicken, etc)?

My daughter has this really good recipe where you mix canned chicken and cream cheese, put in crescent roll & roll up, dip in melted butter and then dry stuffing mix. Then bake. (I’ll have to get the exact recipe.)

#3. Orange juice. Pulp, some pulp, no pulp, fresh squeezed. How do you like yours?

My favorite is fresh squeezed, but I don’t like having to get out the juicer and then clean it afterwards just for a couple of glasses of orange juice. But I do get fresh squeezed at Central Market. Otherwise, it’s Florida’s Natural Orange Juice with some pulp or Simply Orange (whichever is the best price).

#4. Fast food restaurants. Do you have a favorite one and why?

I have three where I can get really good, healthy food.

First is Chick-Fil-A. They have a great grilled chicken sandwich on a wheat bun. They have the fastest & most efficient drive-thru of all the fast food places, and I like it that they’re closed on Sundays so their employees can go to church if they want to &/or have time to spend with family.

My second is Jack-in-the-box. They have great grilled chicken strips and great salads with chicken strips.

My third is Rosa’s Cafe. I can add all the fresh onion, cilantro & lime that I want at the condiments bar to a chicken & guacamole tostada .