Finally Lost Five Pounds!

It’s been an effort to lose weight this year.  Hormones have definitely been a factor in making it hard to lose!  I’ve finally lost five pounds, but it took a lot longer than planned.   I didn’t give up, though, and kept on course.  One thing that has made a difference is that I’ve been able to walk more without much pain.  I’m also more careful about my diet and just try to eat healthy, still allowing myself treats now and then.  Some people use a diet pill to aid them in their weight loss, but that should only be used after consulting a physician first.

5 Pounds in 5 Weeks

I want to lose five pounds, but I want to do it slowly so that I can develop more healthy habits. One pound a week is good for me. I plan to try to reduce sugar (Easter candy didn’t help any…and we still have some left!), eat healthy meals with more raw fresh foods and fiber, drink more tea, eat protein with every meal or snack, and walk more. Some people like to use pills such as eca stack, but each person has to figure out what works best for them.