Catching Up

We’ve been so busy this summer with getting ready for our son’s wedding and other things that I haven’t kept up with the news, and I have some catching up to do.  I couldn’t tell you what the headlines have been.  I’m not even sure how the economy is doing in our area.  I do see new houses being built so that’s a good sign.  But then I see several businesses closing down so that’s not good.  I don’t like seeing big empty buildings where grocery stores used to be.  Then it seems several of the little stores around them go out of business, too.  There are two different places where I see that happening, and it looks so deserted.

Right now, I’m recuperating from the stressful months at school doing state testing for three and a half months and then all the fun things of graduation and wedding.  Those last two are enjoyable things but still a different type of stress.   If you’re a teacher, then you probably understand what I’m talking about.

Menu Plan Monday 7/8/13

MPM-Summer banner

Hope everyone had a nice weekend.  We had a nice and busy weekend ourselves.  Our son and new d-i-l met us at Starbucks Sunday afternoon to show pictures from their trip and visit a little bit.  It was so good to see them!   On Saturday evening, we visited with friends and shared some of the groom’s cake with them.  Speaking of the groom’s cake, let me show you how cute it was…so perfect for our son.  The bakery designed it perfectly!  It was actually bigger than it looks like in the picture, and we enjoyed cake for the next week after the wedding.  Yum!

A & A wedding, groom's cake

Isn’t the cake creative? Enough about the cake! Here’s the menu:

Monday: Eat out

Tuesday: Chicken, corn, salad

Wednesday: Cheese Ravioli, salad, baby carrots

Thursday: Chef salad

Friday: Pizza

Menu Plan Monday 7/1/13

Had a wonderful weekend at our son & d-i-l’s wedding and visiting with relatives and friends.  I’ll have to post a couple of pictures later because right now I’m too tired. Here’s our menu for the week:

Monday:  Salmon patties, veggie salad

Tuesday:  Leftovers

Wednesday:  Chef salad with turkey

Thursday:  Nachos Supreme (Happy 4th of July)

Friday:  Eat out?

Products for Musicians

Having had a small music store years ago plus having a musician in the house, I’m used to seeing all kinds of musical equipment and accessories.  Guitars, amps, music books, and audio accessories are standard with a lot of musicians.  Audio products are popular with them so they can get the sound they’re trying to attain.  Some may use equipment such as maudio.  Do you have a musician in your house?  If so, then you’ve probably seen some of these things in your house, too.


Summer is such a great time, a time for teachers to recuperate, and a time to be with friends that are rarely seen during the school year. Met a couple of friends week before last, and we talked for over four hours.  We had been trying to get together since February and had a lot of talking to do.  This week, I met a friend I hadn’t seen in ages for coffee/tea, and she said they might have to post bankruptcy.  We hadn’t talked in months  even though she is dear to me.  It was great to catch up and talk for a couple of hours.

We had our neighbors over for pizza Thursday evening, and then a couple of friends came over last night.  (We ate really healthy!  She brought delicious chicken & veggie soup, and I made a mixed greens salad with baby portabella  mushrooms and then a fresh fruit salad for dessert.)  So, summer is a blessing because it offers more time to get together with friends and let them know how much they mean to you!  It’s a shame when life gets so busy that it’s hard to get together with those you love!

Centerpiece Idea for Wedding or Wedding Shower

Don’t you just love weddings and showers?  I do!  It’s such a happy time, a time to celebrate.  Pictured below is one shower that I enjoyed so much! I cannot begin to tell you how much I enjoyed it.  (it was for my son & daughter-i-l)

This is the centerpiece collection from our son and future daughter-in-law’s church wedding shower. I like how the hostesses made a cluster of different sizes of flower vases and candle holders for the centerpiece collection.  It’s different from the traditional flower centerpiece in the middle of the table and has a more modern look to it.  I love the white roses and baby’s breath that were used, but colors of the wedding could easily be incorporated into the color scheme.  But even more meaningful than a beautiful shower is the love behind it, from all the hostesses and those who attended!

A & A's Southside shower at Dana's, 6-9-13 002

Father’s Day 2013

Last weekend, we celebrated Father’s Day with our whole family and had a wonderful time.  My husband received some nice, thoughtful cards and gifts.  I know many people were out shopping last week, trying to find gifts.  Some may have been looking at something sports related, and some may have been looking at books.

Whatever gift one gets for a loved one, it’s the thought and love behind the gift that really matters.  Family is so important, and it’s also important to share on a regular basis, not just on Father’s Day or other special days, just how much we love and care for each other!  Our family is not hesitant to say, “I love you!”

Wall Mounted TV

When you get a new TV or maybe when you move, sometimes you need a mounting bracket for tv. Our daughter and s-i-l are in the process of moving into a new house, and they gave away their entertainment center. They might be looking for a mounting bracket if they don’t get another entertainment center. Mounting a TV on the wall frees up floor space and keeps it out of the reach of little ones. Sounds like a good idea to me.

Knowing Our Neighbors

When I was a child growing up, we knew all our neighbors.  I wonder, however, if neighbors nowadays know each other as well as they did back when I was growing up.  I don’t think so. Back then, we knew nearly all our neighbors up and down the street and many on the streets on either side of ours as well. Now, we basically know our neighbors on both sides of our house (both are great neighbors, by the way), across the street, and a few others on our street and a few people on other streets in our neighborhood.

One thing that’s sad to me is hearing about some people who don’t even know their neighbors at all. It’s great to have neighbors to be friends with, to watch out for each other’s houses when gone, and to be there to help out when needed.  One definition of “neighborhood” is friendliness appropriate to a neighbor (a feeling of  neighborhood).   Even though neighborhoods may change in dynamics, I hope the “feeling of neighborhood” never changes.  So, one goal we have is to get to know even more of our neighbors.

St. Pete

We went to Florida two different summers when the kids were both still living at home.  We rented a car and went to the major attractions in the area and also to several of the main beaches.  We drove to St. Pete one day in our rental car and looked around the town a little bit.  What a beautiful beach they have there!  I remember how much fun we all had.  One good thing about traveling in a car was that we had fun talking, listening to music (a lot of music), and playing the typical road trip games.  Good memories!

Menu Plan Monday 6/17/13

This weekend was another busy but fun weekend.  We went to visit our kids and grandkids, helped our son move some of his furniture and things that he doesn’t need before the wedding.  We got to see our daughter and son-i-l’s new house (on the outside) that they hope to close on this week.  Lots of things going on in our family!

Father’s Day was nice!  After church, we took my husband to Olive Garden.  Later in the day, we had frozen yogurt at this neat (and healthy) frozen yogurt shop.  The best part was getting to be with our children, children-in-law, and grandkids!  It was a very blessed day!

Monday:  Eat at Applebee’s (need to use a gift certificate that expires tomorrow)

Tuesday: Chicken, corn, salad

Wednesday:  Eat with co-workers

Thursday: Chef salad

Friday: Pizza