Back to School Clothes

I’ve heard the saying that summer is halfway over once we celebrate the Fourth of July.  Seems like the rest of summer flies by after that!  Then it’s time to start thinking about back to school clothes such as jeans,T-shirts, shoes, brands of clothes that I’m not even familiar with such as apple bottoms, and whatever kids wear to school nowadays.  There should start being some good sales on back to school clothes by then.

Fashionable Walking Canes

Do you have a family member that has a little trouble walking or they aren’t steady on their feet all the time? Do they make you nervous because you’re afraid they might fall? A walking cane would be a great solution to help steady them. It would give some added stability when walking in an area crowded with people such as at church or maybe at a family get-together. And it would help give them confidence being out away from home.

1001 Walking has many styles of walking canes available, including fashionable designer canes. Some people make a fashion statement with their canes or decorative walking sticks which come in different colors, designs and unique shapes to fit any fashion. The Tuxedo Walking Stick, for example, would be perfect for a wedding or special occasion. Metallic Walking Canes are also classy looking. There is something to suit anyone’s style of walking cane.

They also have canes available for women in a shorter length, lighter weight and a more feminine design. These canes come in stylish colors and designs to go with any outfit or suit any occasion.

Not only are walking canes great for stability or making a fashion statement, but they are also excellent for hikers. These canes are available with a wrist strap, and the handle can be a straight grip or have the typical cane handle.

1001 Walking is a family owned business which strives for excellent customer service. They ship right away and stand behind their products 100%.

Do We Outgrow Acne?

Have you ever noticed that even though you’re past the acne prone teenage years, you still get occasional acne from time to time? Maybe it’s just one or two little bumps, or maybe it’s several which require acne treatment.  It’s annoying whatever the quantity of those pesky little bumps.  And it’s really bad when they pop up in some conspicuous spot on the nose or forehead.  I wonder if we ever completely outgrow them!

Dry Skin

Today was a hot day!  I noticed my skin seemed drier today as a result, so I got out my heavy duty lotion and my skin just soaked it up.  I didn’t need an eczema treatment, but just needed something to moisturize my thirsty skin.   It felt much smoother and better after an application of a good moisturizing lotion, well actually it was a cream.  I think that’s going to be needed on a daily basis for sure!

Skin Care

Now that it’s summertime, it’s important to take extra care of our skin.  For those people who are using a treatment for eczema, being in the sun might actually make their eczema worse.  For most people, being in the sun is good in moderation during the early morning or late afternoon, but too much sun or even thirty minutes of  sun during the hottest part of the day can cause sunburn.  Be sure to wear sunscreen and plan outside activities in order to prevent sunburn.

Wrinkle Cream

Some days I look in the mirror and wonder where all my wrinkles came from.  It seems like they increased a lot this past year.  I may need to look for the best wrinkle cream or facial moisturizer, but for now I’m not too concerned about it.  There are other things at the top of my priority list right now.  I would like to use something to minimize them, though.  What do you use?


Now that I’m doing substitute teaching, I’m slowly trying to build up my wardrobe for work.  Before, when I worked from home and did volunteer work, I wore jeans most of the time.  But now I can’t do that!  If  I get a full time teaching job, I will definitely need to get some new clothes.  I won’t be looking for urban clothing, but I will be looking for suitable work clothes.

Nursing Uniforms

Nowadays, nursing scrubs are stylish and come in many different colors and styles, and they are cute enough to wear out running errands after work.   It would be easy to have a cute scrubs outfit to wear each day for two weeks without wearing the same one twice.  But with today’s economy that might be hard for some people to do.   However, Nursing Uniforms has good prices on their uniforms, and they offer free shipping on orders over $100.   And not only do they have the largest selection of uniforms online which makes them a “superstore,”  but they carry quality merchandise.  The owners come from medical professional families, and so they know what’s durable, affordable, and stylish at the same time.  They carry brands such as Medcouture, Katherine Heigl, Stat Wear, Peaches Uniforms, and Izzy Scrubs.   Not only do they carry scrubs, but they also have a nice selection of lab coats in various styles.

Whenever I order something online, I look to make sure that the company has good customer service and a money back guarantee.  They do!  They state that they will answer inquiries within 24 hours, and they have a 30-day satisfaction money back guarantee.  So not only can you shop anytime 24-7, but you can get style, quality and durability with a money back guarantee if not satisfied.

*Sponsored by Nursing Uniforms


It’s so hard being a teenager or young adult and not knowing which acne products work and which do not.  And just because a person thinks they outgrow acne doesn’t mean they won’t get an occasional pimple (or zit) from time to time.  As women’s hormones change, they are particularly susceptible to getting one of those unwanted pimples on their face.  I guess acne is something we just have to live with!

Wrinkles & Anti-Aging Cream

When I look in the mirror, I see wrinkles and even age spots from spending too much time in the sun in past years without proper sunscreen.  I guess I should use an anti ageing cream, but I haven’t started using one yet…just a moisturizer.

The saying “young at heart” has been around a long time, and no matter how many wrinkles a person has, it’s what’s in the heart that truly counts.  We probably all know someone who, despite being a senior citizen, seems much younger in years because of their attitude and outlook on life.  So “guard your heart above all else for it determines the course of your life.”

Tote Bags


I use tote bags a lot when we travel.  For those with young children, they also make a good toy bag for outings.  And they make a good church bag for toddlers to hold special quiet toys that can only be played with at church.

I’ve never had any custom tote bags. I do have a colorful one from Hawaii that has been one of my favorites along with a solid black one that has pictures of my grandbabies. They come in very handy!


The days of adolescent acne are long gone, and I’m so glad.  I must admit that I have gotten an occasional pimple every now and then.  It is mildly annoying and usually goes away quickly.  Some people really have a problem with acne, though, and it doesn’t go away quickly.  I’ve recently read that some people even have pimples on scalp I imagine that would be very annoying and irritating, especially when brushing one’s hair.  I’m thankful I just have to deal with one or two pimples once in a while!